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Here r some of the cutest fotos u hv eva ceen!!!


Shimples. eekk!


OHH! Look at that plane ova deare!

If you want to know about makeup then read on and make sure you listen!
The perfect makeup brand for young skin is natural collection but remember treat yourself to some No7 and Maxfactor but N.C is the best. N.c is a really good brand for natural looks and they do colours which are in season! Pastel colours are a hit this spring so grab the eyeshadow - quick!! Aztec designs are also massive so some black easy liner and red or nude lips look totally rave!! Personally I like the turkish delight gloss of the lips and peach melba blush with lash curl black. Olive green and pale blue liner is also a cute look but don't put them heavy it doesn't look proffossional!Enjoy buying!

My 4 perfect steps to mascara:
1: Buy some lash curl/build from the nearest boots or superdrug
2: Pop yourself infrount of a mirror and start at the courner of lashes, stoke it long
3: Start building up and further into the middle till your top lashes look brill
4: Don't you dare blink for bottom lashes and too bold looks chavvy so enjoy wearing

My 4 perfect steps to eyeshadow:
1:If you are light hair person then get a light eyeshadow but not to dark,darker haired people look good in greens, blues and not too dark browns
2:Again from the nearest boots or superdrug get the eyeshadow you want
3:If you are going for a brown put a line of it a the start of eyelid the a lighter colour on top.
4: Mixing colours looks OK if not too much and not clashing with what you wearing but I recommend palets which have two clours already to go together! Enjoy!

My 4 perfect steps to liner:
1:Blacks look good but not too heavy but seriously olive green and sky blu is a wow factor this season!! Not only that but they go with everything!
2:Liner is so difficult to perfect and it takes time so don't worry if you don't get it straight away, what ever you do don't get liquid if your a beginner- its really hard!
3:The best way is to smudge liner so if its messy it's not noticable, look up and try doing under eye, if you want put on top but don't do big flicks!
4: Smudge and your ready to go!!

My 4 perfect steps to gloss:
1: A nice lite pink looks good on peeps but nude gloss is tots in so grab it quick!
2: Shake the bottle and first put some on your hand if it is sticky then it is not good but if it is smooth then thats gr8
3: Make sure your lips are relitavly dry and don't lick before you put some on
4: Put some on the bottom lip first then rub lips together watch out don't make the colour go around the lip it just looks weird! Enjoy!

My 4 perfect steps to blush:
1: Light pinks and nude and red are cool colours to wear and a nice blusher brush is key to your cheeks
2: Suck in you cheeks so you get the apples of cheeks
3: Stroke up and wide but not heavy
4: Remember its the cheek bones your colouring not the cheeks enjoy wearing!

Natural but pretty!
This is a perfect example of natrural look but soooooooooooooooooooo cute. All it needs is some light brown or dark green shadow, brown/black scara, light brown liner, pinky blush, light pink gloss and curlers. Then when you've done all that you're ready to go and look like Swifty!

My fave celeb looks on the red carpet!
And my fave:

My 6 fave looks from midders!!!


Simple but effective

All wrapped up and ready to go!

Soooooooooo casual!

The cherry on the cake!

And just to top it off!

AND AT NO. 1..............


Gorgeous! Stunning! Beautiful! I love it!!!

My fave dresses:

H and M £24.99

H and M £12.99

H and M £24.99

H and M £12.99

H and M £19.99

H and M £14.99

Superdry £49.99

Hollister £76.00

Apricot £28.00

Apricot £26.00

New look £22.99

New look £19.99

New look £24.99

New look £19.99