Week 1 - eSafety

How much time do we spend online?

Learn It


  • Most children and young adults have had access to the Internet for their entire lives.
  • They spend considerable portions of their days (and nights) viewing the Web, talking on messaging apps, and playing online games.
  • We still don't know whether this may turn out to cause have psychological or health problems in later life.

Try It

  • We're going to start with a small survey, to find out how much time you spend online in comparison to your peers.
First name:
Last name:
House Number:
mobile phone:
Hours spent on YouTube per Day:
Hours spent on SnapChat or other Messenger per Day:
Hours spent on Online Games per Day:
Hours spent doing Homework per Day:

How did you do?

Learn It


  • Did you click Submit? Did you read the warning message?
  • If so then you are probably not alone. We often click on buttons, fill in forms and accept terms and conditions without reading them.
  • Often we don't even think about where that information goes or what the receiver will do with it.
  • This is a good example of unsafe behaviour. You should never share personal details online.
  • There are a few simple measures you can take to ensure you stay safe.
  • Have a watch of this video

What is personal information?

Learn it

  • Look at this girl's social network account:
  • She has made a number of mistakes that could lead to her being located in real life.
  • How many can you spot?
  • What attempts has she made to protect her identity?

Document It

  • Think about some of the things that she has on her profile and separate them into:
    • Safe and responsible networking
    • Potentional unsafe or risky behaviour.
  • Here's one to get you started
    • E.g. Use of a cartoon for a profile picture

Try It

  • Can you come up with a list of precautions and measures you could take to stay safe online.
  • Try and come up with 5, clear and concise points.

Try It

  • Share your list with those sitting round you. If they have some points you haven't considered, discuss the points with them and try to come to a consensus of the five you are going to use.

Badge It

  • You need to prepare a Prezi to highlight your 5 ways of staying safe online.

Week 2 - Being a good digital citizen


Humorous approach

Scare tactics

Badge It: Gold

  • Write down the answers to the questions as you play.
  • Open this link in a new tab and go to 'Pick your friends' - How can we spot a friend or a bully/catfish?
  • From Crowd Surfing - what were the three rules before passing things on to someone else?
  • From DropBox - What makes something safe? What three courses of action do they suggest? Screenshot your time on the hard setting.
  • Flip and Fix; on the hard setting. What are the 8 'safe' responses?

Password Protection

Learn it

  • Finally let's learn about passwords. Click here for an informative quiz.

Badge It: Platinum

  • Having watched the videos and read the online advice answer the following questions:
    • Why is sending an abusive text message not just harmless banter?
    • Why is it important that we actually know the people on our friends/buddy list?
    • Why do we need to periodically check our security settings?
    • What should we do if we think some is not right i.e. someone is not who they says they are?
    • What make a good password?
    • Why is it important to have a secure password?

Reporting concerns

Know It

  • If you are ever worried, uncomfortable or upset about something online then the key thing to do is to seek help and tell someone. This maybe a trusted adult or friend.
  • However there are other ways in which you may choose to seek help with online issues.
  • This includes ways you can challenge unacceptable behaviour online.
  • Useful links:
  • This Childnet site shows how to report on various sites.
  • CEOP is part of the National Crime Agency and runs the 'thinkuknow.co.uk' website.
  • NSPCC's Childline service is an important one to be aware of as an anonymous way of discussing problems and seeking help.
  • Source Acknowledgement: These resources were made using the Childnet, 'International Online Safety in the Computing Curriculum' document.


Week 3 - Grooming: What is it?

Learn It

  • Grooming is when someone builds an emotional connection with a child to gain their trust for the purposes of abuse, exploitation or trafficking.
  • Children and young people can be groomed online or face-to-face, by a stranger or by someone they know - for example a family member, friend or professional.
  • Groomers may be male or female. They could be any age.
  • Many children and young people don't understand that they have been groomed or that what has happened is abuse.

Answer It

  • Before we watch some videos please answer the following questions:
  • I know we said don't fill in forms, but this one's OK!!!!!
1. Do you currently use the internet?:
Yes No

If yes: home, school or both?

2. How often to you use the internet?:

3. Do you use interactive internet applications such as:


Instant messaging

4. If yes, do you save conversations that you have with people you meet online?


Instant messaging

5. Have you ever given out any personal details(like your name, address, phone number, a photo of yourself, your school name, school address) to someone you haven't met face to face when using chatrooms or Instant Messaging?
Don't know

If so, what details have you given?

6. Have you ever threatened or made to feel uncomfortable by someone when using email, Instant Messenger, a chatroom, or your mobile phone?
Don't know

7. If you felt threatened or bullied by someone who contacted you on the internet or on your mobile phone, who would you tell?

If other - whom?

8. Has someone you've met on the internet contacted you by phone or post?
Don't know

9. Have you ever asked or been asked to meet up with somone face to face that you first met on the internet?
Don't know

10. Who would you tell if you were meeting up with someone you met on the internet?

If other - whom?
No one etc..

11. Do you know how to block someone from contacting you on the Internet?


Don't know

12. If you have the internet at home, do you:
Have filtering software?

Use it in front of an adult?

Know that an adult check the history?

Talk to an adult about what you have been doing?

Case Studies: How does it happen?

Learn It

  • Grooming happens both online and in person.
  • Groomers will hide their true intentions and may spend a long time gaining a child's trust.
  • Groomers may try to gain the trust of a whole family to allow them to be left alone with a child and if they work with children they may use similar tactics with their colleagues.
  • Groomers do this by:
    • pretending to be someone they are not, for example saying they are the same age online
    • offering advice or understanding
    • buying gifts, alcohol, drugs
    • giving the child attention
    • using their professional position or reputation
    • taking them on trips, outings or holidays.

Ask It: Clare's Story

  • We are now going to watch some videos and answer some questions.
  • Some of these videos maybe a little upsetting.
  • Remember what we are talking about is probably rare, no one knows the actual numbers as some are potentially unreported, but we need to know about it.
  • Why did Clare met with the man?
  • Why did Clare to talk to the man?
  • How did he really see her?
  • Why did she not tell someone in the first half?
  • Who did she tell?

Ask It: Matt's Story

  • Why did Matt meet with Amber?
  • Where did he met Amber?
  • Could you suggest a more appropriate to place they could have met?
  • Who was Amber?
  • What do we call it when someone pretends to be someone else online?
  • Why do you think he felt he had to go?
  • What should / could Matt have done to prevent the problems which he encountered?
  • Compare Clare's and Matt's stories - what are the similarities? What are the differences?

Ask It: Tom's Story


Before watching the next film take each of the following statements and think; what is good about this? what could go wrong?

  • Tom is 12. He has internet access in his bedroom. He often goes online and talks to his school friends.
  • He also enjoys going onto sites where he can chat with people he doesn’t know in the real world.
  • He makes friends with a boy called Jack. He likes chatting to Jack online and they both support the same football team. He even lives nearby!
  • One day when they are chatting online, Jack asks Tom if he wants to go football training with him.
  • How did Jack make Tom feel he was special?
  • What were his reasons for doing this?
  • What other ways might someone try to make another person feel special?
  • What were the things that Tom did which made him vulnerable?
  • What should he have said / done?
  • Why did Tom feel that he couldn't tell anyone about what was happening?
  • What would you do to prevent yourself from getting into a similar situation?

Research It: A real life story

Know It: Helping a friend

If a friend tells you something that worries you:

Don’t judge them, just listen.

  • Try not to put words into your friend’s mouth or tell them what they are feeling.
  • Let them tell you what’s going on.
  • Listen and support them.

Tell them that if you think they’re in danger you will seek help.

  • Don’t promise to keep secrets. No secret which will hurt someone is worth keeping.

Tell an adult you trust about what has happened.

  • This could be your parent/carer, teacher, youth worker, police of cer, doctor or social worker.
  • Ask them to get help for your friend.

You can report what has happened to CEOP yourself, or do it with your friend.

  • Do this by clicking on ClickCEOP button at thinkuknow.co.uk

Get support for yourself.

  • You probably feel very anxious about what your friend has told you. You too need support to deal with what has happened.
  • Talk to an adult you trust about how you are feeling. You might it helpful to talk to a counsellor: you could ask your teacher or doctor to refer you to a counselling service.
  • Remember, you can call Childline to talk to someone at any time of day or night on 0800 1111.

Don't take it all on yourself

  • Be realistic about the situation. You might have done all the right things, but you still might not be able to help your friend.
  • Remember, what has happened is not your fault and you have done your best to get help. Make sure you are getting the support you need yourself.

What if you think there’s something wrong but they haven’t said anything yet?

  • If you’re worried about a friend, don’t be afraid to tell them so. Even if they don’t want to talk, let them know you’re always there to listen.
  • Maybe they’ll change their mind later on. Find more advice about how to support your friends at thinkuknow.co.uk

End of the session game

  • Use the last bit of time to complete your Prezi you started a couple of weeks ago.

  • ~ Resources were created using the ThinkUKnow.com website.~