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Giant Giraffe Facts!
Male giraffes weigh 2420-4250 lb (1100-1932 kg) on average. That's about 43 times heavier than me!

The giraffe's heart weighs 24 pounds, which is about the same weight as 5 chickens!

Giraffes are fast and can reach speeds of up to 35 mph.

The giraffes life span is 20 to 25 years.
A giraffe's tongue is 18 inches long and black! Did you know that?

Giraffes are one of the few animals born with horns. How cool is that!

The mighty giraffe can drink 12 gallons in one setting. Newborn giraffe calves begin their lives by falling 6 feet to the ground!!!

Each time a giraffe picks up its neck it picks up 550 pounds!

A giraffe usually sleeps for only 1 - 12 minutes!
You would have to run in order to keep up with a giraffe walking because every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet long!
Giraffe footprints are 12 inches and 9 inches wide.

Here are now some crazy dolphin facts!
Some dolphins can understand as many as 60 words, which can make up 2000 sentences!

Just a tablespoon of water in a dolphin’s lung could drown it
A baby dolphin is born tail-first to prevent drowning. After the mother breaks the umbilical cord by swiftly swimming away, she must immediately return to her baby and take it to the surface to breathe

Dolphins don’t have a sense of smell, but they do have a sense of taste and, like humans, can distinguish between sweet, sour, bitter, and salty tastes.

While most wild animals avoid contact with humans, wild dolphins are known to play and associate with humans, especially children
Dolphins do not breathe automatically as humans do and will die if given a general anesthetic. They must sleep at the surface of the water with their blowholes exposed. Dolphins shut down only half of their brain while they sleep to stay alert and breathing

Killer whales are actually dolphins

Peculiar penguin facts!
They eat mostly fish and squid. A large penguin can collect up to 30 fish in one dive. Penguins do not have teeth.They have spines on the roof of their beak to help them get a good grip. Penguins even have spines on their tongues.

Penguins swallow pebbles and stones as well as their food. Scientists believe that the stones may help grind up and digest their food. The stones may also add enough extra weight to help penguins dive deeper.

Penguins spend several hours a day preening or caring for their feathers. If penguins don’t keep them well maintained, their feathers would not stay waterproof.

Penguins spend nearly 75% of their life in the water hunting for food

Most penguins are a bit on the chubby side for good reason. Their fat layer insulates them from the cold and provides an energy reserve when food is scarce.

All 17 penguin species are remarkable divers without scuba tanks. Emperor penguins are the champion at holding their breath. They can stay under water for up to 15 minutes.

Puzzling panda facts!
Today, about 2,000 pandas are found in the wild. By the end of 2006, there were a reported 180 pandas in captivity on mainland China and about 20 in other countries. Unlike other bears, giant pandas do not hibernate. In the winter, they move to lower elevations to keep warm, while traveling to higher elevations in the summer to stay cool. They can be active at any time of the day or night.

Pandas do not have permanent homes but sleep at the bottom of trees under stumps and rock ledges.

Cubs are born blind and helpless, and if there are twins, only one cub survives. The cub's eyes open at six to eight weeks and it starts to move around at three months. They may stay with their mothers for up to 3 years before they leave and go into the wild on their own.

Height: 2.5 feet (.8m) at shoulders.
Length: 5 ft (1.5m) (with a 6 inch (.2m) tail).
Weight: Around 250 lbs (113 kg) (males); around 220 lbs (100 kg) (females).
Lifespan: 20-30 years in captivity.

Because they can eat up to 45 pounds of bamboo in a day, it is sometimes necessary for pandas to travel to a new location once the bamboo supply of an area is finished.
The giant panda, a black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears. It has black fur on ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animal's coat is white.

Exciting Elephant Facts!
Elephants are the largest land-living mammal in the world.
Both female and male African elephants have tusks but only the male Asian elephants have tusks. They use their tusks for digging and finding food. An adult elephant needs to drink around 210 litres of water a day.

Female elephants are called cows. Elephants have no natural predators. However, lions will sometimes prey on young or weak elephants in the wild. The main risk to elephants is from humans through poaching and changes to their habitat.