Offenes Heroes
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Offense Heroes
Offence heroes are the main sorce of damage on a team. They have medium health and beacuse of that will need healing a lot for they are always attacking the enemy team instead of staying back with the rest of the team.

Doomfist is the most recent hero in overwatch. He is part of an organization called 'Talon'. He stole the Doomfist Gauntlet and is the 4th wearer of it.

Genji is a cybernetic ninja who was almost killed by his brother Hanzo but was saved by Mercy. He has the least amount of health between the charcters so will regulary ask for healing.

Mcree is a robot cowboy with a revolver ,a robotic arm and a flash bang. He was a former criminal before Reaper was impressed with his aim and recruited him to overwatch.

Pharah has a flying robotic suit which can fire concsive blasts that do high splash damage. She is the hardest character to hit because of her jump pack which lets her fly in the air to rain death from above.

Reaper is a ghost like menace who works for the assasin group Talon. He used to work for an early version of Overwatch called Blackwatch but had a fight with Soldier 76 that left Soldier a large scar but nearly killed Reaper.

Soldier 76
Soldier 76 is an old super enhanced soldier who has turned into a vigalanty like hero after what he thought was killing his own friend and ally.

Sombra Sombra is a mexican hacker with futuristic technology that can let her go invisible and telport to grenade like becons. Because of her skills she was imploid by the organisation Talon.

Tracer Leena Oxton suffered an accident during a test flight of a lightspeed plane, this made it so that she would disapear in and out of time. Luckily she was givin a harness like device called a chronal excellerator that lets her controll her own time line.